Saturday, May 22, 2010

Talk about change!

Assess how societal needs (i.e. the need for healthy foods; active lifestyles) lead to scientific and technological developments related to internal systems.

Have you noticed that the more we age the more we need to be healthy? I mean, your biggest issue at this moment might be that 'ready-to-burst' pimple, but the growing issue that our society faces is the need to be healthier. Everywhere you go there are advertisements such ads in bus vehicles or in magazines about being healthy. If you think about it, who wouldn’t want to be healthy-especially if you live in a world of full of global warming and carbon dioxide! So you're probably wondering what my point is, well, I did a lot of soul searching (okay, who am I kidding?), this blog explores how society’s need for such things lead both the scientific and technology field to meet the needs of society.

With the scientific and technological boom that our society is experiencing, it was only fitting to create and design such devices that meet the new needs of our society. If you observe, there have been many appliances and tools that serve the purpose of meeting the goals of our healthy conscious society.

I think that of all our needs, the need to live a more active lifestyle is on top of the list. Only now have come to the understanding that our generation has been going downhill when it comes to our overall health status. However, there have been technological modifications that have been to guide a person to be a more active and healthier individual.

There are now electronic balances that are designed to count calories for the calorie-conscious person. Appliances such as this make it convenient for a person to find out just how much calories they are consuming.

You’ve all seen those late night infomercials that offer that stomach you’ve always wanted. The image below is a device that is used to enhance weight loss through vibration

Of all technological advances, I must say that the one that impressed me the most was the Wii. They broke the boundaries by introducing healthy activities within its system- people are able to stay active while indoors and have fun at the same time!

If you look around, there are different devices that were specifically made to help us in our sudden quest to be healthy and fit. Just think of it, about twenty years ago did our parents and their generation really need all of this stuff? No. With the evolution that our generation is experiencing; the need to look younger, look fit, be healthier as well the environmental risks we are exposed to- our society is doing a great deal of preventing or improving the state of our health.

The scientific field has also done their part in providing society with the answers to their needs. An example would be the study of nutrigenomics in which scientist study the effect that food has on a person's overall health. With the help of nutrigenomics, scientists are able to find the different ways in which food is beneficial and harmful to our health.

Overall, I think is pandemic movement is positive for our society. There were technological advances that damaged us in the first place- those video games that succumbed youth to stay indoors and become overweight. Now, the same technology that damaged us is doing their part in helping us in our goal to redeem ourselves. The same goes for the food caused our high cholesterol and diabetes, now we can trace our steps and be mindful of the food we eat. Not bad!


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Clodia Kassis and Ana Abad