Saturday, June 5, 2010

Say what now ?!?!

In other parts of the world, bio solids (human waste) from sewage treatment plants are treated and used as sustainable agricultural fertilizer. Research the pros and cons of this method and take a stand whether this can be a realistic alternative to our current agricultural practices. Who are the potential stakeholders in this issue? Are we influenced by the western view of human waste as an unsanitary and disgusting nuisance?

As children growing up in the western society, we’ve all be desensitized into believing that bio solids are disgusting and unsanitary. In many cases, it is because …you know why! The true question now is can our society accept a method far from what we are used? In this blog, we will be exploring the different pros and cons that come with using bio solids as sustainable agricultural fertilizer.
Before we do that, let’s observe the present method in which we fertilize:
There are many different types of agricultural fertilizers but some commonly used fertilizers are organic fertilizers, in organic fertilizers as well as micro and macronutrient fertilizers.
As to using ‘organic’ fertilizers, why not use bio solids? I mean, it is organic! Now let’s find some pros and cons in using such a unique material as a fertilizer
According to , it states that bio solids have many benefits; the following are some advantages of using bio solids:

• Improve crop production
• Reduce soil erosion and protect water quality
• Provide topsoil for recreational uses
• Reclaim strip-mined lands
• Enrich forestland
• Conserve landfill space
• Provide economic incentives

Since the use of bio solids have not been completely accepted within our society, there must be reasons why. Well, according to there some disadvantages that come along with the usage of bio solids as a fertilizers

• The potential for applying too much or too little of each nutrient
• The presence of toxic constituents
• The possible detrimental effects on water quality from leaching, erosion, or runoff losses

If you observe the pros and cons, you’ll be able to see that it can improve the production of crop. In addition, it can also. Most of all, the greatest advantage in using it as a fertilizer is the help it gives us by conserving landfill space. It’s like basically recycling our ‘poop’ into something that is beneficial to our environment.

In the case of bio solids being introduced as another form of fertilizer, there are many people held responsible for accepting it or not. There is a whole process in which it has to be approved of in the first place, it may go under the approval of the government, bio waste, agricultural, healthcare industry as well as the acceptance from the people of society.

I think that after viewing the different advantages and disadvantages that come along with the use of bio solids as agricultural fertilizers, I have came to the understanding that I could accept it as alternate fertilizer. Even though there are some disadvantages in using it, I believe that it helps both the society and the environment in the long run. I think that after we get over the whole ‘poop’ thing, we will be able to realize that our ‘poop’ is actually doing us good.

In conclusion, I think that sooner or later the use of bio solids as fertilizers will be widely accepted in our society. As I said before, one we get over the ‘poop’ factor, we’ll also learn that it actually helps the environment and society by saving our time and money.


Commented on:

Ana Abad and Tammy Nguyen


  1. Hey Angela,

    You're entry about Biosolids is very informative. I've also accepted the use of bio solids. One way or another, it will get through society and will be approved by many. It benefits not only us, but the environment as well. good blog!

  2. YES! Another person who likes the use of biosolids as a fertilizer! I like how you listen to pros and cons in plain and simple sight. You can totally tell the difference and that the pros win. We all know how everyone is into saving money, so kudos for mentioning that!
